Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well I don't know why but I have started Over and Over with so many diets and I am fed up.  It has to be a life changing event.  I decided Now is the Time to change and get  started again. 

 Then a couple of weeks ago my precious niece sent me a message asking me where I was, she had seen me on Myfitnesspal in awhile.  I told her I was just not in a good place right now.  I wanted to be, but just wasn't there.  She told me about a Challenge Group called "FAB FOUR" that operates similar to the Biggest Loser Show.  I thought wow, that sounds like fun, maybe just what I need to get this butt into gear.  I used to be very competitive and thought hmmm I think this is what I need to do.

 So I joined, started tracking my food diary, exercise journal and doing the challenges everyday and exercising.  One of the challenges last week was "Do not eat 3 hours before going to bed"  I thought to myself.  I can do this.  The first two nights were the hardest.  I did not realize how much I would snack before bedtime.  But I did it the whole week and I am going to continue this challenge here on out.  (Honestly I am sleeping better too)

Then this past Tuesday was weigh in day.  I was very nervous.  But you do not know how exciting it was to step on the scale and see I had lost 4.6 lbs in a week.  Then today they posted this weeks biggest losers.  I was #4.  I made the FAB FOUR this week.  How cool is that.  Now that has just made me want to do it again so  I am going to be working out very hard everyday.
I had set my goal at 10 lbs to lose by September 4th.  I am going to work so hard to go beyond 10 lbs.  I told my husband that, when I pass the 10 lb mark I am going to take myself shopping for a new pair of walking shoes.

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful niece "Lynsey"  who asked me to join a group with her to lose weight.  Very honored to be on a new Weight Loss Journey together. 

When this six weeks is over, we will set a new weight loss goal and start another 6/8 week challenge.

So here's to keep moving forward.,and keep losing weight.  We are all worth it!

What are you waiting for?  Just Start Now, find what drives you, or what helps you push harder.

Thanks for reading.

Lovey Howell