Angels Everywhere!
Well here's to writing from the heart.
Today being Valentines Day made it a very special day. I prayed this morning for God's guidance and strength today and I had a terrific day. My husband wrote a sweet poem to me on facebook. Was very sweet and unique. He is pretty amazing sometimes.
Tonight we went to a Valentine Banquet at our Church. It was a pot luck dinner so everyone brought something. The only drawback was I did not do very well on my diet. Was not very disciplined. UH OH! I have decided not to beat myself up over it, because tomorrow is a new day and I will do better.
At the Banquet we had a group called the Strumdingers as entertainment. They were very good. They all played Ukulele's. Really enjoyed their humor and energy.
Although today didn't go quite the way I wanted it to as far as my self control over food, I am going to give Thanks for the great things in my life and the many challenges that I may encounter.
Lord tonight I prayer that you forgive me for not having self control and making the right food choices. I did enjoy the food and entertainment provided at our Valentines Banquet and I know I could have done better. I need my Angel to help me along the way!
Anything is possible, just have faith that God will see you through everything. No matter what happened today, tomorrow is a new day and a new start.
God believes YOU ARE WORTH IT! So should you!!!
Remember, Have Faith, Believe in Miracles and never give up Hope.