Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Angels Everywhere!

Well here's to writing from the heart. 

Today being Valentines Day made it a very special day.  I prayed this morning for God's guidance and strength today and I had a terrific day.  My husband wrote a sweet poem to me on facebook.  Was very sweet and unique.  He is pretty amazing sometimes.

Tonight we went to a Valentine Banquet at our Church.  It was a pot luck dinner so everyone brought something.  The only drawback was I did not do very well on my diet.  Was not very disciplined.  UH OH!  I have decided not to beat myself up over it, because tomorrow is a new day and I will do better.

At the Banquet we had a group called the Strumdingers as entertainment.  They were very good.  They all played Ukulele's.  Really enjoyed their humor and energy. 

Although today didn't go quite the way I wanted it to as far as my self control over food, I am going to give Thanks for the great things in my life and the many challenges that I may encounter.

Lord tonight I prayer that you forgive me for not having self control and making the right food choices.  I did enjoy the food and entertainment provided at our Valentines Banquet and I know I could have done better.   I need my Angel to help me along the way!

"There is rejoicing in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner who
---Luke 15:10 NIV

The thing is I should have asked for help before I went and I am sure I would have done better. 

He will give His angels charge of you,
to guard you in all your ways.
--Psalm 91:11

I read this poem when I get in a spot and need HELP.  Not listening caused me to STUMBLE.
Angels are speaking to all of us--
Some of us are only listening better.

This is another good INSPIRING Poem! 

The wings I see
Are tinged with gold
Time is endless
Or so I'm told
Feathery white
I know you're there
In my heart
I know you care
Over your shoulder
here we are
Staying close
Never Far
Wrap me up
Envelope me
I need you Angel
Can't you see?
Shield me now
Within your wing
Songs of Joy
We'll always sing
Hold me tight
And take me high
You belong to me
In my sky
And Love
And Nurture Me
I need you Angel
Can't you see?

---John Cameron

I had to share this picture because I too often feel like crying when I step on a scale.

Anything is possible, just have faith that God will see you through everything.  No matter what happened today, tomorrow is a new day and a new start.

God believes YOU ARE WORTH IT!  So should you!!!

Remember, Have Faith, Believe in Miracles and never give up Hope. 
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Well I must sign off here for now, until next time my friends.  Take Care & God Bless.

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Mayonnaise Jar Lesson

Ok I borrowed this from one of my friends.  Really great Lesson.  Enjoy.
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee.

Photobucket A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.

When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and fills it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “YES”.

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

“Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
children, health, friends, and favorite passions. Things, that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else -- the small stuff.” he said.

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “There is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are
important to you...” he told them.

“So... pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Worship with your family. Play with your children. Take your partner out to dinner. Spend time with good friends. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dripping tap. Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled and said, “I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.”

Remember, Have Faith, Believe in Miracles and never give up Hope. 
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Enjoy your cup of Coffee!

Well I must sign off here for now, until next time my friends.  Take Care & God Bless.

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have Faith and Be a WINNER

Hello, For now on I am writing my Blog from my heart.

I prayed this morning for God's guidance and strength today and I had a terrific day.  I felt stronger and able to resist a few food temptations.  I feel that my weight loss journey is finally on its way to success.  With God as my guide, Anything is Possible.

I pray that my friends that need a little support will get a few circle of friends for moral support and for their main support, Lean on God. 

I am finding strength too by reading something inspiring to help me through my day.  I am really loving this book I am currently reading  called "Angels Everywhere, Miracles & Messages" by Lynn Valentine.   If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. 

I wish I had a Treadmill.  My old Treadmill finally broke down and is no longer working.  I want a Treadmill so I can build up to running a 5K.  That is one of my goals is to Run in a 5K.  First things first, I have to got to get my bills caught up and in order before splurging and making a new purchase of a Treadmill.  I have to make do with the equipment I have on hand.  I love my Elliptical Machine and Total Gym.  There are other issues in my life that are a little crazy right now, but with God's Strength I know I will be able to get these issue worked out.  I have FAITH and know everything I am going through is just to help me become a stronger person both physically and spiritually.  No more thinking I am a Failure, because I AM A WINNER and God Loves Me! 

Even when things don't go my way, I am going to give Thanks for the great things in my life  and the many challenges that I may encounter.

Lord tonight I prayer for your HELP!  Please send me an ANGEL to help me to stay strong and succeed and do your work.  Thank You.

an-gel  n.  An immortal being attendant
upon God; a very kind and
lovable person; a helping or
guiding spirit

If your trying to lose weight like me or even change a habit that you don't want to do anymore.  Remember, God is only a Prayer away.  I believe he will be the one to help us stay focused along our journey.  I know now that God is on this Weight Loss Journey with me, I will be successful.

Lean on God -- He wants us to want him to help us.  Just like a best friend, God will never let us down he will always be there for us.


He will give His angels charge of you,
to guard you in all your ways.
--Psalm 91:11

Angels are speaking to all of us--
Some of us are only listening better.

Print this poem off and carry it with you!  READ IT TO YOURSELF WHEN YOU STUMBLE.


Today, I stumbled and once again
Was lifted up by an unseen hand.
What comfort and joy that knowledge brings.
For I hear the whisper of angel wings.
The guardian angels God send to all
To bear us up when we stumble and fall.
Trust Him, my friend, and often you'll hear
The Whisper of angel wings hovering near.
--Author Unknown

WEIGHT CONTROL TIPS:  (taken from "The Calorie King - Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter Book")  (There are 5 Tips)

 Tip #1 - Eat Sensibly
* Avoid fad diets.  Eat 3 sensible meals daily with adequate fruit and vegetables.
* Limit portion size.  Limit fats and high-fat foods, sugar soda and alcohol

Tip #2 - Exercise Daily
* Get active and exercise every day!
* Include muscle-strengthening exercises.  You'll lose more fat and keep it off.  You'll also feel and look better, and you can eat a little more!

Tip #3 - Reshape Eating Behaviors
* Be aware of eating habits and behaviours that lead to overeating.
*Also focus on social and emotional situations that lead you to snack compulsively.

Tip #4 - Keep a Food & Exercise Journal
* A journal helps you see exactly what you eat and drink, and how much you exercise. 
*An excellent motivator and proven weight loss aid and Keeps you honest!

(I have a Droid phone and use My Fitness Pal  App) (Look me up:  LoveyHowell1064)

Tip #5 - Arrange Moral Support
* Gain the support of family and friends.  Get extra professional help if required, from your doctor, dietitian, pychologists, exercise trainer or diet club.  BEWARE of family saboteurs who discourage from adopting a healthier lifestyle!   (I am using My Fitness Pal for extra moral support) 

Everyday, do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. (even if in 5 minute segments)

Before I sign off here I want to share this website I found in one of my SHAPE Magazines. http://abeforfitness.com/ Check this out. Has some really great 5 min exercise video routines you can do at your desk. I am going to try them when I take a ...break at work. I already started parking really far away from our Front Door so I get about a 5 min walk in. Everyday I have to go on our Post Office Run so I get to walk back and forth to my vehicle at least four times a day.
Anything is possible, just have faith that God will see you through everything.  No matter what happened today, tomorrow is a new day and a new start.

God believes YOU ARE WORTH IT!  So should you!!!

Remember, Have Faith, Believe in Miracles and never give up Hope. 
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Well I must sign off here for now, until next time my friends.  Take Care & God Bless.

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whisper of Angel Wings

Hello, Today I feel compelled to write my Blog from my heart. 

Things have been hard lately, I have really been trying to find my Inner Self so I will feel better about myself, which will help me everyday to be the best that I can.  I started reading this book called "Angels Everywhere, Miracles & Messages" by Lynn Valentine.  It is such a wonderful book.  If you love to read, this would be a good one to put on your list.  Just recently when I received the "Money from Heaven" which I wrote about in one of my other Blogs.  It made me realize that there are truly still Angels Among Us.

I have had so many encounters throughout my life that some may think of as just Chance, Good Luck or  coincidence.  I know deep down that My God has always looked out for me and allowed his angels to protect me in many different ways. 

I know right now I need his help.  I am at a place in my life where I don't like what I physically look like.  My weight has become a problem, and I am embarrassed that I have let myself get to this point.  I try on my own to be strong, exercise, eat right do what is right and I will do great for awhile and then I FAIL.  I am so tired of being a failure.  I know if I fail, I just need to get up, brush myself off and start over, tomorrow is a NEW Day!  I am so very thankful that I have another day to start over.  But I just want to begin, keep it going and succeed at losing weight. 

I am making tonight a plea and prayer to MY God to please HELP ME!  Send me an ANGEL to help me to be strong and succeed.  I know Life is not easy, but with his assistance I know can do this.

Some don't believe in miracles.
They say, "What happens is by chance"
They rush through God's creation,
Without a passing glance.

But for those that look and listen
throughout each previous day
They will find the tracks of Angels,
as they move along their way!
--Andie Hellem

If your trying to lose weight like me or even change a habit that you don't want to do anymore.  Remember, God is only a Prayer away.  I believe he will be the one to help us stay focused along our journey.  I don't know why I started this weight loss journey without him.  But after tonight he is going to be my partner.

So SMILE and put on your Happy Face and Happy Feet.  Our duty is to work hard so OUR Dream will come true.  BE HAPPY!

God Always has an Angel of Help for those who are willing to do their duty.  --  T.L. Cuyler

Print this poem off and carry it with you!  READ IT TO YOURSELF WHEN YOU STUMBLE.


Today, I stumbled and once again
Was lifted up by an unseen hand.
What comfort and joy that knowledge brings.
For I hear the whisper of angel wings.
The guardian angels God send to all
To bear us up when we stumble and fall.
Trust Him, my friend, and often you'll hear
The Whisper of angel wings hovering near.
--Author Unknown

These week I got to move one marble from the "Pounds to Lose Jar" over to the "Pounds Lost Jar".  Yea Me!   Even one pound was an accomplishment.

WEIGHT CONTROL TIP:  (taken from "The Calorie King - Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter Book")  (There are 5 Tips) (Will add another tomorrow)

 Tip #1 - Eat Sensibly
* Avoid fad diets.  Eat 3 sensible meals daily with adequate fruit and vegetables.
* Limit portion size.  Limit fats and high-fat foods, sugar soda and alcohol

Tip #2 - Exercise Daily
* Get active and exercise every day!
* Include muscle-strengthening exercises.  You'll lose more fat and keep it off.  You'll also feel and look better, and you can eat a little more!

Anything is possible, if you just put your mind to it and have faith.  No matter what happened today, tomorrow is a new day and a new start.

God believes YOU ARE WORTH IT!  So should you!!!

Some things are true, whether you believe them , or not.
-- Nathaniel Messenger "City of Angels"

Remember, Have Faith, Believe in Miracles and never give up Hope. 
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Well I must sign off here for now, until next time my friends.

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Sunday, February 5, 2012

In The Woods - There's a dream waiting to come true for you.

Well had a terrific weekend.  Boy time flys by when your having fun.  I hope everyone has a terrific week and all your dreams come true.  I managed to get my laundry caught up but was a little lazy on getting the rest of the chores done this weekend.  Saturday it was raining really hard all night and in the morning, so I slept in.  It's nice to stay home and relax.  I went down and checked out the pond.  Rain has brought it up a little, still need quite a bit to fill it up.  I relaxed on my front porch swing some Saturday and listened to the birds and the wind blowing through the trees.  It is so amazing.  Have y'all ever watched the movie Phenomenon this weekend while sitting there listening to the Whispering Trees reminded me of this movie.

INSPIRATIONAL READING:  (Taken from Minutes of God)
In the Woods 

I do not need a clock
In this green place,
God is my time
With His eternal face,
The trees are tall and strong,
The sweet birds sing,
And silence seems to smile
On everything.

The sunlight fills my heart,
It leads the way,
Like the finger of God
This summer day,
It's a beautiful world
I make my own,
Walking with God
In the wood alone...

Marion Schoeberlein

Sunday was a beautiful day, after church I met with Christina, she is over the Youth Ministry.  We discussed getting the Puppet Ministry started at our Church.  I am very excited that I will be involved with this ministry.  When I was young I was involved in the Puppet Ministry at the Church I attended while int he Youth Group.  This has such great potential to reach our young children.  Not to mention spiritual growth for the Youth that will get involved as well.  Please pray for us, that God will give us the guidance to do his will.  Thank you.

Now regarding my Weight Loss.  I have been doing alright by eating the right foods and drinking water.  But I have been more on my computer than working out.  I have got to find some kind of balance so I can get somekind of workout everyday.

Great Sign.  Keeping the Faith is what I am really working on.  Here are a few helpful hints I read.  Keep on Keeping on.  Keep on Smiling.  ;o)

HEALTHY TIP:  (taken from January 2011 edition of Woman's World magazine.)
Forget pricey Botox and anti-aging creams!  All it takes to look instantly younger is a SMILE!  The proof:  Folks asked to guess the age of strangers in photos repeatedly thought those who were smiling were years younger than they really were.  As researchers explain, a smile makes you look upbeat, which we subconciously assocate with youth!

WEIGHT CONTROL TIP:  (taken from "The Calorie King - Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter Book")  (There are 5 Tips)
 Tip #1 - Eat Sensibly

* Avoid fad diets.  Eat 3 sensible meals daily with adequate fruit and vegetables.
* Limit portion size.  Limit fats and high-fat foods, sugar soda and alcohol

I eat 5 small meals.  Acually 3 Meals and 2 Snacks works for me.

A Moment for You:  (taken from January 2011 edition of Woman's World magazine.)

There's a dream waiting to Come True for You!
We all want one: a change that ranges from a smaller number on the scale to a bigger number in the bank to less stress, more love, a fresh start or a second chance.  Whatever you hope for the hardest can be yours, because you have what it takes to make it happen!
Anything is possible, if you just put your mind to it.  No wonder what happened today, tomorrow is a new day and a new start.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Well I must sign off here,  Remember, Have Faith, Believe and never give up Hope.  Get up, and Get Moving.

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Good night my dear friends,

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Friday, February 3, 2012

Say It Now

Hey Y'all.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful week.  Boy I was glad today was Friday, now two days off.  I have got allot to do this weekend.  Get caught up on laundry and cleaning house.  Tomorrow is going to be a Me day. 
I am going to be working on a special project for my High School Reunion which I am excited about.  Going to work on it tomorrow as well. 
Today was very productive day at work, but I was so ready to get to this weekend.  Even though it is suppose to rain most of this weekend, (which I am very thankful for) I have several things to work to keep myself busy. 
This sign is wake up call for me.  No More Sodas.  I am a WATER Girl.  Love it nice and cold.  So if your still drinking Sodas or Colas, make the change to good water.  It's what our body craves.  So cheers, To a New Healthy You! 

WEIGHT LOSS TIP:  (taken from January 2011 edition of Woman's World magazine.
Secret to reaching your goal weight!
Cutting calories faithfully, yet success seems far off?  Blame subconscious weekend splurges, says the journal Obesity.  Less structure and more socializing on weekends makes us nibble more.  Solution?  Weigh yourself every Friday!  Seeing how well you've done all week makes it easier to resist Saturday and Sunday temptations!
INSPIRATIONAL READING:  (Taken from Minutes of God)
Say It Now
Why wait until tomorrow
 to tell someone you care?
For beyond the dawn tomorrow,
you my not find them there.
The past now lies behind us,
and tomorrow may not come.
We only have today, my friend,
to beat upon life's drum.
Friend, why not say, "I love you!"
to those that you hold dear,
For time is such a fragile thing
that death may soon appear.
Let others know you love them
so there's never a doubt.
The best time is now, my friend,
to try and work things out.
If you keep your love a secret,
it cannot multiply,
For love, when it's neglected,
begins to slowly die.
Go hug your wife and children -
Go shed a happy tear!
And love will pay grand dividends
each day throughout the year.
Clay Harrison
"I give you a new
commandment: that
you love one another as
I have loved you." 
John 13:34
The poem above is very special.  I hope each and everyone of you can find peace and happiness in your lives.  God  Bless.
HEALTHY TIP:  (taken from January 2011 edition of Woman's World magazine.

Tip to Add more JOY to your day! 

Got Stress - Erase Stress With a Phone Call!

Oklahoma State University researchers discovered that venting to a friend for a few minutes then switching to a more pleasant topic is the quickest way to burst a bad mood!  That's because keeping your emotions to yourself floods your body with stress hormones -- and getting them off your chest quickly lowers those hormone levels.
Well I must sign off here,  Remember, Have Faith, Believe and never give up Hope.  Get up, and Get Moving.

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Good night my dear friends,

Lovey (Gina) Howell

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Change Your Thoughts

Hey Y'all.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful week.  I know I have not been on in awhile.  But I am going to try to do better.  So many things have been going on which has kept me a little stressed.  But that's just how life is.  Last Saturday, I did get my vehicle back from the shop.  Boy it is so nice to be driving my own vehicle again.  I had been driving my husbands truck, but he was getting ready to go back to work and was going to need his truck.  It all worked out just perfect in its own little way.

Rick has gone back to work so I will be getting into a new routine.  Should not be too hard, just an adjustment period.  I don't know, I guess this week I have been a little out of sorts, because of this change in my routine.  But this is a good thing, changes are good, we just have to learn to deal with them the right way.

This sign is so true, we just need to remember it and try to stay focused on our goal.  We can change the way we have done things in the past and make new paths for us to travel. 

Oh yea the Weight Watchers Muffins I made last weekend.  The pumpkin, well I was not a huge fan, I took them to work and my co-worker Susan loved them.  I also made Chocolate/Diet Cream Soda cupcakes.  Oh My Goodness, they were fabulous.  I put them in an airtight container to keep them fresh.  They are perfect for a small desert after dinner.  Yes sometimes I ate two if my calorie intake was available.  Great Chocolate fix for me. 

I love to read, and Inspirational Items really help me along my way.  While I sorting through some old storage bins of mine, I found this little inspirational book that someone once gave to me.  These poems are so good I am going to share with y'all one at a time.  There maybe someone out there that needs the message.  This first one really hit me like a ton of bricks.  I know I should start my day earlier than I do.  Enjoy.
Rising Early
If you don't get up early,
As many folks do,
You miss a special beauty
That is Waiting for you.

There's a colorful sunrise
And the early bird's song.
The world is so peaceful
When nothing yet has gone wrong.

In this peace and quiet
It would be nice to stay,
To avoid all the turmoil
That fills every day.
Olive B. Elvin

While standing in the  checkout line at the grocery store, I picked up a Woman's World magazine for January 2012.  It has allot of good helpful information and I would like to share a few with you.  This little information might be just what we need for today. 

Tip to Add more JOY to your day! 

SMILE more with Music!

A recent study reveals that listening to your favorite songs increases optimism and joy while squashing negativity and sadness.  That's because hearing tunes you love triggers the release of feel-good endorphins in the brain.!

Well I must sign off here,  Remember, Have Faith, Believe and never give up Hope.  Get up, and Get Moving.

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!

Good night my dear friends,

Lovey (Gina) Howell